How to install Addon PureSoccer in Kodi [soccer]

The addon PureSoccer in Kodi is a video complement where we can find content of soccer matches live.

How to install Addon PureSoccer in Kodi [soccer]

The addon PureSoccer in Kodi is a video complement where we can find content of soccer matches live. One of the best features of the addon is that it is organized matches by date and time. The addon covers most of the world's leagues including MLS, MX League, the league, Bundesliga, among others.


Note: For the best operation of the addon is necessary to have previously installed the addon F4mTester. This addons works in versions Kodi 17 onwards, has not been tested in Kodi 16. It works on all platforms. If there is a problem you can make it known in the comments.


The addon PureSoccer in Kodi is a video complement where we can find content of soccer matches live. One of the best features of the addon is that it is organized matches by date and time.


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Written by:

Rafael García





Muy bueno este addons bueno canales para ver eventos deportivos

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    How to install Addon PureSoccer in Kodi [soccer]

    How to install Addon PureSoccer in Kodi [soccer]

    The addon PureSoccer in Kodi is a video complement where we can find content of soccer matches live.

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    2 Question(s) answered

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    • Asked by Pedroza Andres
      on 08/04/2018
      Gran addons de kodi para ver canales deportivos, justo lo que buscaba mil gracias amigos!!! Answer:
      Excelente Pedroza! gracias por tu visita.
    • Asked by a guest
      on 03/16/2019
      Hola, instale el addons parlante periodo no me habré nada me aparece que el servidor no se ha encontrado, gracias Answer:
      Vamos a revisar la versión. Es posible que existan cambios y necesita una actualizacion.

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